This is an Interactive Live Webinar conducted via a Zoom Meeting. To schedule you must go to and register as a new user (or log-in if already registered) and then click on the Career Center Seminar Schedule button and select the Holyoke Career Center to choose day and time. You will receive an email at least one day prior to the CCS with instructions on how to join the Zoom meeting. If you are unable to use MassHire JobQuest, please call 413-532-4900 to schedule
The Curious Candidate-A Career Exploration Webinar (Remote using Zoom): Are you considering a career change either to earn more money, for greater personal fulfillment, more flexibility or simply to try something new? It is all too easy to get "career pathway tunnel vision" and feel stuck in one particular occupation. This webinar will help participants assess their priorities, needs and interests in choosing a new career pathway, as well as identifying where they can apply their transferable skills and experience to new opportunities, and how they can pursue training opportunities to fill any skills gaps.
Interviewing Skills (Remote using Zoom): During this interactive webinar you will know the steps to prepare for a successful virtual or in-person interview, draft a Personal Commercial, and practice questions and answers to enable you to relate your skills and accomplishments in ways to show how you can help the employer. The concept of “Information Interviews” and salary negotiations will also be discussed.
Training Grant Opportunities (Remote using Zoom): This webinar will discuss various training grant opportunities, funding and eligibility possibilities. ***Note: Attending this webinar is a prerequisite first step in order to pursue grant funding through the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) to pay for the cost of certain training programs.