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Computer Competence Corner (in-person): is your place to get support and assistance for all your

computer and digital literacy needs! At MassHire Holyoke, we understand the importance of technology for the modern job seeker, and this walk-in support service is designed to help you excel. Our Computer Competence Corner can improve your job search process, help you learn new computer skills and advance your career by assisting with a range of tech-related needs, including computer basics, effective internet use, cybersecurity, digital communications, online job search, online job applications and

proficiency with commonly used software and apps. The Computer Competence Corner is a walk-in service and is first come, first served, so no appointment is necessary. However, registration is available for those who want to secure a spot and receive a courtesy call to discuss a plan before the workshop.

Laptop computers will be available for use during the workshop, but feel free to bring your own laptop computer so that you can learn how to better use your own device.

***This workshop will be held at our second location at the STEAM Building at 208 Race Street, Holyoke, MA.

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