A number of specialized assistance and training programs are available to eligible customers to help them obtain marketable skills and move on to careers in mostly high demand occupations. To learn more about opportunities available through the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Trade Adjustment Act, and other programs, such as those that provide support and benefits for Veterans or people living with disabilities, registered MassHire Holyoke customers should attend a Training Opportunities Workshop offered virtually on alternate Wednesdays at 1:00pm. Eligible customers will learn how they might receive financial assistance, when funding is available, to enter occupational and on the job training programs that last one year or less and lead to full time employment. After attending the Training Opportunities workshop, customers will meet with a Career Counselor to learn more about these programs.


The Hiring Incentive Training Grant

The Hiring Incentive Training Grant helps eligible Massachusetts employers pay the training costs of newly hired workers who were unemployed for one year or more, or who have been laid-off one year or less without a call back notice from their most recent employer. In addition, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit Program provides federal tax credits to employers who hire job seekers in certain targeted groups. Many job seekers are eligible for these programs, and have the choice of letting potential employers know about them.

Are You a Member?

You will be able to take advantage of the services we offer here at MassHire Holyoke Career Center after becoming a member.

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