Our Online Classes & Webinars Boost Your Job Search & Technical Skills
Live Webinars
Live webinars are an interactive class, seminar or presentation, with participants getting information, asking questions, and discussing in real-time. See our Event calendar for a list of upcoming life webinars.
On Demand Webinars
If the times of our live webinars didn’t work for you, don’t worry. You can watch any of our available recorded webinars at your own pace and on your own schedule. See our On-demand webinars list.
♦ You will need your MassHire Job Seeker ID Number to register for these webinars.
♦ You can obtain a Job Seeker ID number by registering on JobQuest at: www.mass.gov/jobquest.
Virtual Career Center Seminar
This is an Interactive Live Webinar conducted via a Zoom Meeting. To schedule you must go to www.Mas...
March 31 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pmNetworking to Your Next Job
Networking to Your Next Job Webinar (Remote using Zoom): Networking is an important and often unused...
March 31 @ 11:00 am - 12:00 pmThe Curious Candidate
The Curious Candidate-A Career Exploration Webinar (Remote using Zoom): Are you considering a career...
April 1 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm