(Prerequisites – basic computer skills)
Learn how to effectively navigate internet job search websites, and how to use Job Portals to locate and apply for jobs. US.Jobs, MassLive, and the CareerPoint jobs list will be reviewed. Get tips and tricks for preparing to complete an online application as well as how to attach a resume file to a job application.

Prerequisites: none
You need computer skills both on the job and to look for one. This workshop helps participants understand the basics of using a computer, including how to use a keyboard and mouse. These skills are needed to access the Internet, create an email, or to use Microsoft Word / Excel.

(Prerequisites – basic computer skills) Covered topics include editing and formatting – cut, copy, paste, line spacing, bullets, setting margins and creating numbered lists. Also reviewed are Menu Bars, proofing tools, Spell Check, and printing basics.

(Prerequisite – Intro to Word, or experience using Microsoft Word.)
Designed for those with Word experience, this workshop reviews the essentials of Microsoft Word.

(Prerequisites – MS Word Parts I and II or experience using MS Word) Learn the basic concepts of creating spreadsheets. Topics include formatting and editing a spreadsheet including, entering labels and values into cells, calculations, creating formulas, and understanding functions. Learn how to create multiple spreadsheets and how to save workbooks.

(Prerequisites – Intro to Excel, or experience using Excel) Designed for those with Excel experience, this workshop reviews the essentials of MS Excel.

(Prerequisites – Intro to MS Excel or MS Excel Refresher or Strong Experience in Excel)
Learn how to create column charts and pie graphs with spreadsheet data. View other chart types.

(Prerequisites – Intro to MS Excel or MS Excel Refresher or Strong Experience in Excel)
Learn about Excel’s powerful database features, including multi-column sorting, and various features of data forms and Auto Filters.

(Prerequisites – Intro to Word and good word processing skills) Learn how to create slides and presentations that use text, graphics, and sound.

(Prerequisites – Intro to Word and good word processing skills)
Learn how to create flyers, greeting cards, newsletters, brochures, and calendars – the easy way!


(Prerequisites: None)
Most employers today require applicants to provide a resume. If you are new to resume writing, this workshop will review the elements of resume formatting, and how to create a resume from scratch, including headings, employment history, qualifications, and education. You will learn about different resume types and which might be most appropriate for you.

(Prerequisite – a typed resume or one on a flash drive or saved in your email) Already have a typed resume? Is it formatted appropriately? Does the content represent you effectively? Is the style appropriate for your job search? Each participant has the opportunity for a one to one conversation with a facilitator who individually reviews and critiques your resume.

(Prerequisite – None)
It’s a shame to be called for an interview and not be well prepared. Create a Personal Commercial; know the steps to prepare for a successful interview, and practice questions and answers. Be able to relate your skills and accomplishments in ways to show how you can help the employer grow. Informational Interviewing, an important way to better learn what’s necessary to succeed in a new career, also will be discussed.

(Prerequisites – None)
Thinking about a new career direction and not sure what to do?
Considering a training program but not sure what?
Participants use a self-directed, personal interest assessment to help identify occupations that may suit them best. Assessment results are used with the Massachusetts Career Inventory System to explore occupations that might help define career goals.

(Prerequisites – Internet Job Search, or experience using job search sites online)
Do you want to save time on your job search? Do you want to know how your past experience transfers to other occupations? This workshop helps you do both with a resource called TORQ. Registered with JobQuest and noticed the TORQ button? Get hands on guidance to help you be more efficient in your job search or explore other training options.

(Prerequistes – None)
The benefits of using social media as part of a job search are reviewed, as well as the “why’s” and “what’s” of the most popular social media sites used today. What are the differences between LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook and how can each be used to assist your job search? Privacy issues and the role of smart phones in your job search also are discussed.

(Prerequisites – None)
A workshop for those who want to take advantage of this Professional Social Media Resource and start their own LinkedIn Profile. In the first part of the workshop we will discuss why to use it, ways to find work using LinkedIn, components of a profile, networking and who to connect with, endorsements, recommendations, groups, and basic settings. In the second part of the workshop you will be able to join LinkedIn and start working on your profile. Learn how to be one of the over 350 million members worldwide!

(Prerequisites – Basics of LinkedIn or a LinkedIn profile)
For those who already have a LinkedIn profile and now want to optimize their LinkedIn experience by learning how to network backwards, use the company pages, and really get into the settings. If you want feedback on your photo and profile this is the workshop to sign up for! Part of this workshop is a Q & A session so bring these as well! Stay for part or all of this workshop as needed!

(Prerequisites –experience using job search sites online)
Are you interested in applying for jobs at MGM? This workshop will help you start a profile on SkillSmart, the system that MGM Springfield is using to assess your skills for these positions. It will also help you identify training needs for those positions.

(Prerequisites – none)
Have you become discouraged about your job search? Have you lost confidence? Do you want a new way to look at job search? This interactive workshop will help you stay motivated throughout your job search and give you tools to use which can help in all aspects of your life.

(Prerequisites – None)
Learn how to counter myths about “older” workers and how to create a job search plan. Remove words from your resume that identify you as an “older” worker. Learn interviewing and networking techniques that build on your experience, as well as new and successful methods to conduct a job search.

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